
CTC-VideoScope > Workplan

Stages and activities

2014 Elaboration of technical specifications, working protocols; design and implementation of web site and simplified device for static images. Task 1.1 Elaboration of protocols and general documents
Task 1.2 Elaboration of protocols for achieving cell cultures and blood samples
Task 1.3 Elaboration of experimental model specifications list
Task 1.4 Develop methodology for testing the informatic system
Task 1.5 Elaboration of testing and validation methodology of the experimental model performance
Task 1.6 Design and develop the project website
Task 1.7 Design and develop the simplified device for static images
Task 1.8 Acquisition and cryo conservation of cell cultures
Task 1.9 Acquisition of preliminary static images
Task 1.10 Design and develop the informatic processing system for static images
2015 Development and testing of the experimental model. Task 2.1 Acquisition and cryo conservation of cell cultures
Task 2.2 Acquisition of static images
Task 2.3 Development, testing and validation of the informatic system for static image processing
Task 2.4 Development of a functional version of the experimental device
Task 2.5 Design and implement additional modules in the informatic system for processing the dynamic images
Task 2.6 Comparative testing of the experimental model performances
Task 2.7 Optimization of the experimental model
Task 2.8 Recruiting patients
Task 2.9 Testing and validation of the optimized experimental model
Task 2.10 Results dissemination
2016 Optimization, testing and validation of the experimental model. Results dissemination. Task 2.1 Comparative testing of the experimental model performances
Task 2.2 Recruiting patients
Task 2.3 Analysis of experimental system performances. testing and validation.
Task 2.4 Optimization of the informatic system
Task 2.5 Feasibility study for commercializing the product and study the opportunity of assessment of a patent
Task 2.6 Statistical analysis
Task 2.7 Results dissemination